Firstly ....

Assalamualaikum, hallo friends,readers and everybody J So welcome to my blog and here you read my first post (actually this is not the first, I’ve written somethin before, but I delete it)
So, I’m Khodijah Indah Fatmawati,called as Khodijah, Dijah, but since I was in SHS, most of the people call me “Dije” (cause it’s shorter and easier, they said). I come from Malang, and  I do love Indonesia and right now, I do miss meatball L
I may be not such a good writer, but honestly I like to pour whatever in my mind into words, if u know, when there’s a book or a blank paper and I have no things to do, or I listen to something and there’s a book in front of me, that book would be full of my words, my stories, or even my bad drawing, I can't let a blank paper.Aku senang bercerita. Right now, I am living Deutschland, exactly in Kiel. I am about to continue my study here, and right now I am still waiting for the announcement of my test, wish me luck and get the blessed one J
Sooooooooooooo, what languange should I write this? Indonesian? English? Or Deutsch? I cant decide it,friends. I just type how my mind drives the languages. But I guess that I’ll type between Indonesian and English, cause I haven’t been good enough for Deutsch. Hope gonna be better soon haha. Okay, Let’s go!
At the first, Alhmdulillah for everything Allah has already given to me, bisa sampe disini, yang bahkan sampe sekarang pun sejujurnya aku masih gak percaya”eh beneran ta aku ini di Deutschland?”, so honestly aku masih sering banget mikir gitu. I’m totally grateful for this, and I thank everybody who has supported,motivated and for me so much, that can’t be mentioned one by one here. Dan kemaren aku bikin QnA dan sharing time di instagram, setelah bberapa saat vacum dari first account aku @khodijah.if ,ya lg pengen sharing aja,pas itu baru selesai ujian juga dan klo ada pertanyaan yang sama, biar jawabnya bisa sekalian hehe, dan ternyata banyakkkkkkk buangettt pertanyaan dari temen2, smpe storyku sperti awkarin hmmm. Disitu aku seneng banget dan jadi lebih bersyukur, karena ternyata banyak banget yg juga pengen lanjut diluar negri, and Alhamdulillah Allah chooses me. Dan beberapa temen2 juga minta aku buat ngevlog like Gita Savitri, but forgive me, kayaknya for vlog, I can’t. And I told them that I would make a blog insyaallah, and alhamdulillah right now I start it.It’s my pleasure to share how these all comes,hopefully through this blog, I could share my experiences,my stories, then inspire and benefit others. However,I maybe won’t fill this blog constantly and often, maybe I will just write, once I have my spare time and I get a lot of ideas to write hehe. I would always try to do my priorities first J
For suggestion, question, just chat me on instagram @khodijah.if or send me email in 
Danke sehr! 
OK, Happy reading J

18.06.2019 at 20.22
Mein Zimmer 8016, EOH 8
